
My journey of yoga teacher training at the Purusha Yoga School in San Francisco, Ca.

Tag: root

My favorite sutra of book 3

After reading book three of the yoga sutras I was left a bit perplexed. These sutras move quickly but are pretty self-explanatory. As a class, our homework was to read the sutras and deeply digest them by reflecting and meditating on each of them.

What I gathered from both was that as a yogi, if we live correctly and work each day little by little our lives will change and we will be capable of attaining great things. Some great things that come from living wholesomely are non-attachment, siddhis and intuition.

When you read through this book, some may think that by being diligent in their yogic lifestyle you will attain mystical powers. I feel differently about this. I believe that by knowing yourself wholesome and understanding humans in general you are capable of understanding the world unbiasedly. You will then have a deeper intuition and knowledge of the “unknown” because of your emotional intelligence you have gained.

The last sutra says “When the tranquil mind attains purity equal to that of self, there is absoluteness.

This is the sutra I understood the most. There is not need for grasping, justing being steadfast and living your life according to your values and morals you are able to show yourself to others. If there are obstacles presented by distractions, you are able to ignore them by simple moving on.

Patanjali wrote about not grasping. And it brought me back to floating down the river in the warm summer heat. When the current got going fast or we wanted to stop I would hastily grasp for the weeds in the river. Reaching for something that provided support or security, much like we do when with our attachments. Alcohol when we are stressed, our phones when we are lonely or anxious in public, cigarettes, our ego speaks for us when we grasp for comfort. But if we float through life according to our true intention, we will be unaffected by everything around you and more easily attain the exact things you want in life.

Learning about the Chakra’s

I feel as if I could learn about the chakra’s for years and years, maybe that is why I am attending school to get a degree in psychology! Chakra is a hindu word for wheel. We have 7 wheels in our body and I have discussed these wheels a few posts back, noting their sound that is associated with each. Chakra’s draw parallels with modern psychology and development so that we can identify potential deficits in ourselves and others and where on the body we can work to aide issues we may be facing.

Though I was only able to attend 10 hours of the 30 hour training I was able to learn a great deal of the 6th and 7th chakra as well as 1-5. Elation of the 7th chakra is usually accessed by chanting mantras, headstands and stillness.

It is important to be grounded when you access these chakras, often times when you are not grounded you can live life in a state of elation. Like bible thumpers who yell at you on the street corner telling you are going to hell, you could be out preaching to the tree if you are not careful. Ensuring that you live each moment in the present and living in bliss during the times that matter is the most important part I learned.

I can see this in my life very clearly. When I was able to access a blissful state, I felt like I could rule the world. I felt untouchable and put my mind into everything. Only after a few weeks I was able to “ground down” again. Now, when I am in a blissful state I am able to understand and channel it, with out feeling so aloof or righteous. I then practice grounding exercise like bod checks or talking to my Mother or Father, I in a sense GO HOME. That is the root chakra in a sense, it is home. When your work situation, your long term relationship, your family members, or place of living are in turmoil, you will experience great pain.

Knowing this and knowing how to breathe, you will be fine.
This is why you learn about the chakras, isn’ that neat?

Chakra’s and their sounds

This week’s homework was to study and understand the chakras. I literally can’t stop thinking about my friend Laura who got them tattooed down her entire spine without and when I asked what it meant, she told me she liked the way they looked.

I was genuinly curois especially since she said it was related to yoga. Finally, I get to understand the chakra’s to their core. Sound, color and orgins all descripted in depth.

The chakra’s sounds are

  1. Lam -Root – Muladahra
  2. Vam – Belly – Svadhistana
  3. Ram- Solar Plexus- Mamipura
  4. Yam – Heart- Anahata
  5. Ham- Through- Vishuddha
  6. OM – Third Eye- Ajna
  7. None- The crown- Saharasara

This week I have practiced doing alternate nostril breathing then  going through the sounds of the chakra’s whie immagining the colorswe are to embody. I felt grounded, centered and more alert after breathing. I felt wholesome and confident as if I was capable and ready for the day after projecting my om.

The colors it ellicits were hard for me to understand except for the ajna, I always see purple when I look to the center. I think over time, the other colors will begin to develop and something I will aim to achieve through understanding myself more deeply.